Configure your Circle community

Before you start

Simply create your Circle Community and log in as an admin.


Start with opening "Single Sign-On" tab in the navigation on the left:

Next, you will need your client settings from Entry.

The first step is to enable SSO and allow new users to sign up: "Sign-up URL" for this purpose will be available in your Entry admin dashboard. To follow the guide, replace REALM part in URLs with your realm name - you can find it in your Entry admin dashboard or from the onboarding email.

Replace YOUR_REALM in the links below with a lowercase name of your realm.

Next, set up your OAuth provider.

  1. Choose "Custom" from the drop-down menu.

  2. Type in your Client ID and Client Secret settings.

  3. Set the scope to "openid profile email".

Next, put your integration URLs into your config like this: replace REALM below with the name of your realm.

  1. Authorization URL:

  2. Token Fetch URL:

  3. Profile Info API URL:

One final step - configure how Circle is going to interpret data from Entry. Here is a one-config-fits-all setup:

That's it! Click "Save changes" and your integration is live! Share your community link with your users and they will be prompted to log in via Entry from now on.


You have configured your Circle community to use XIX Entry as an SSO!

Last updated